Health Boost Your Metabolism
WHY METABOLISM MATTERS • You’ve got a pretty sophisticated calorie-burning command center inside your body. Read on to learn how to maximize your metabolism for life.
OPENER • Expert wisdom to help you (finally!) drop those extra pounds for good.
WHAT EXACTLY IS METABOLISM—AND CAN YOU CHANGE IT? • Like height and eye color, metabolism is genetic, so there’s not much you can do about it, right? Not so fast.
RETHINKING BODY MASS INDEX • Research shows that just going by this benchmark may not be the best measure of your metabolic health.
HOW TO BURN MORE CALORIES AT ANY AGE • Here’s some good news: Your metabolism doesn’t drop off as soon as you may think. Even better: There are ways to keep it humming along for years to come.
IS THIS THE REASON FOR YOUR SLOW METABOLISM? • A fairly common thyroid condition may explain the issue. Help is here.
YES, YOU CAN LOSE THE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF • Here’s how long it may take, along with some tips from a nutritionist for long-term success.
WHAT IS REVERSE DIETING? • This tactic is supposed to help you maintain weight loss. Is it worth trying?
OPENER • For a metabolic boost, look no further than the activities you do every day.
THE STRESS EFFECT • A nutritionist breaks down the science behind how feeling frazzled can impact your metabolism—and ways to combat it.
THE NEED-TO-KNOW ABOUT CORTISOL • This hormone is normal and helpful—until it goes haywire. Bringing it back to its natural rhythm might just be a boon for your health.
7 THINGS THAT CAN CAUSE STRESS • We know that too much stress can slow your metabolism. Here are some common concerns that may induce stress in the first place.
DON’T LET LACK OF SLEEP MESS WITH YOUR METABOLISM • Can skimping on shut-eye make your metabolism tank? The answer is a resounding yes. Find out what the science says about how to get better zzz’s tonight.
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT PART-TIME DIETS • Alternating your eating patterns on a weekly or biweekly basis could have a positive impact on your metabolism.
COULD FASTING IMPROVE GUT HEALTH? • Fasting may help the microorganisms in your GI tract thrive—for a speedier metabolism and other benefits.
11 WAYS TO BURN FAT WITHOUT SETTING FOOT IN THE GYM • Slip these almost effortless moves into your day to spark your metabolism as you go.
BEST EXERCISES FOR YOUR METABOLISM • This simple, effective 8-move routine is designed to crank up your calorie-burning power and make you stronger and fitter in the process. Wins all around!
OPENER • Choosing the right foods can make a real difference in your calorie-burning power.
14 FOODS TO BOOST YOUR METABOLISM • Fill your plate with these tasty eats, all of which are proven to rev your calorie-burning potential and (bonus) reduce bloating.
THE SCIENCE AROUND PROTEIN • Getting plenty of protein in your diet has been shown to help speed up metabolism. But that doesn’t mean you can simply eat more of it and call it a day.
HOW DOES ALCOHOL FACTOR IN? • Booze can have a real impact on metabolism. Read up before your next happy hour.
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CARBS • This macronutrient gets a bad rap—but it’s the kind of carbohydrates you eat that matters most when it comes to your weight and metabolism.
3 EATING HABITS TO HELP YOU LIVE LONGER • Follow these strategies from a registered dietitian to gain more metabolically healthy calendar years.
WHAT TO EAT TO FUEL YOUR METABOLISM • If you want something absolutely delicious, easy, and designed to help your body burn extra calories, you’ve come to the right recipes.
SNACK TIME! • These nibbles will rev your...