'Happy About Customer Service?' sets the framework for anyone anywhere to develop a level of Customer Service Excellence which will differentiate them from anyone else that could previously be seen as “competition”. Through the basic steps outlined in 'Happy About Customer Service?' a company, small business, manager or an individual can create a reputation for excelling at helping people feel special. This is what makes our Customers Happy About Customer Service, both encouraging Customer loyalty and attracting new Customers.
What you will get out of Happy About Customer Service?:
- A practical step by step approach to achieving Customer Service Excellence
- An understanding of the power of Word of mouth – both positive and negative
- The skill set to establish a Customer Service Culture beyond your wildest expectations, and more importantly beyond your Customer’s expectations
- An insight into the 3 Prompts – 3 questions that will change the way that you deal with everyone in your life (Customers, family, friends, employees….)
- Simple approach to helping Customers evolve from strangers to your most loyal Customers