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Welcome to Sewing for Beginners
Pins and needles • So many pins, needles, cushions, and threaders are available to choose from at the fabric store, that it’s hard to know where to start. The following are a few basic types you need to get started. You can add to your collection as you discover what types you do and don’t like and which things you use the most
Measuring tools • Measuring and marking tools are something you’ll want to have on hand when working on sewing projects. You can choose from a variety of tools, based on your personal preference. Here are a few of the essentials
Cutting tools • Good-quality cutting tools are key to successful sewing, so buy the best shears and scissors you can afford and keep them sharp. That way, you’ll avoid the frustration of dull blades and wasted fabric!
Pressing tools • Pressing is often the step that gets skipped over in a sewing project. Take the time to press when your instructions recommend it – it’s key for creating a nicely finished product. For the best results, press on the wrong side of the fabric and use a pressing cloth when necessary to protect both the iron’s surface and your fabric
Fabric defined • Choosing the right fabric can make or break your project. It is essential to understand what makes up a piece of fabric and what it is meant to be used for. There is a large variety of fabrics out there to choose from, so understanding these elements will help you to make the right choices for your project
Fabric types • You choose fabric for a sewing project based on its look, feel, and use. Because wading through the many fabric types available can be pretty overwhelming, here’s a list of the basic types and their general use
Preparing your fabric • You’ve chosen your pattern and decided on fabric. Now, all you need to do is prepare the fabric, and you can begin sewing!
Anatomy of a sewing machine • While several different types of sewing machines exist, most have the same basic parts and features. Here’s a general breakdown of the features of a sewing machine (refer to your machine’s manual for specifics)
Machine needles • Different types of fabrics require different types of needles. Although a universal needle can work on a variety of fabric types and weights, it’s best to use the proper needle for your project to achieve the best results. Here are some of the common types, along with instructions on how to replace your needle
Threading a sewing machine • While the first time you thread your machine may seem a bit overwhelming, once you have done it a few times, it’ll become second nature. Each machine may thread a bit differently, but the basic thread path is the same. To get you started, here’s a general description
Loading a bobbin • Now that you’ve got your upper thread all figured out, you’ll need to learn how to wind and load the bobbin. Here, I show you the basics for understanding your bobbin. Be sure to look at your machine manual for specifics – some might even have an illustrated diagram that shows you exactly what path to follow
Sewing machine feet • A variety of feet are available for most sewing machines. For most beginner-level projects, you’ll use the standard foot (also called a zigzag foot) that comes on your machine. As you progress and are ready to try other types of projects, though, you’ll likely want to use the appropriate type of sewing machine foot. The following discusses the different types and gives a short tutorial for replacing one on your machine
Adjusting the tension and stitches • Several methods are available for adjusting the tension and stitches on a sewing machine (refer to your manual for specifics). Here are the buttons and dials to look for when using a digital control panel:
Straight stitch...