Ever wonder what’s going on in your cat’s furry little head? This special edition of Paw Print explores the latest research on feline intelligence. In these pages you’ll find the secrets behind mysterious cat behaviors, the best ways to teach an old cat new tricks, and the science behind cat communication. Plus: Insight into feline mental health, and simple strategies to help your cat live a happy and stress-free life.
Brilliant Masterminds • Here’s how house cats have developed to become the ultimate puppet masters.
INSIDE THE FELINE MIND • From the latest cognition research to understanding a cat’s mental health, here’s the scoop on what’s happening in your tabby’s noggin.
The Brainpower Puzzle • Researchers believe the study of cat cognition is ready for its star turn.
DO CATS KNOW THEIR NAME? • Feline friends can recognize their own name—but don’t expect them to always come when called.
Protecting Their Mental Health • Are your cat’s “misbehaviors” signs of anxiousness? Here’s what to know and when to get help.
BOREDOM BUSTERS: ENRICHMENT MADE EASY • Pounce on these simple ideas for keeping your cat busy, entertained, and happy inside the home.
Inside the Catnap: The Science of Dreaming • Veterinarians share their thoughts on what cats might be imagining when they’re lying there, twitching and wiggling with their eyes closed.
Feline Dementia: Know the Signs • The ailment can affect older cats. Recognizing it, and responding, can help your senior cat continue to live a high-quality life.
A POWERFUL CONNECTION • Cats and humans lean on each other for support and to cultivate happier lives.
Kindred Spirits: Understanding the Bond • From independent origins, cats became one of humanity’s most beloved companions. Plus, according to science, they really love us back.
Comfort and Support • Kitties with outgoing, people-loving personalities are great therapy-cat candidates—and can help alleviate a range of human suffering.
How to Get Any Cat to Like You More • Learn how to make a cat feel safe, secure, and ready for snuggles.
SEPARATION ANXIETY: HOW TO SPOT THE SIGNS • Your cat can get lonely when you’re not with her. Learn how to spot the signs of separation anxiety in cats, and how to manage their stress.
DECODING BEHAVIORS • Every cat owner has asked: “Why is my cat acting this way?” Here’s a look at many common behaviors, plus how to change and prevent unwanted patterns.
The Language of Meow • Cat sounds can carry important messages for their caretakers and for other cats.
ZOOMIES: THOSE FRANTIC RUNS AROUND THE HOUSE • Although it may feel like it, it’s not your cat’s goal to wake you up at 3 a.m.
When Tails Talk • Cats communicate many different emotions with their tail. Confused about what your cat is trying to tell you? You’re not alone.
Headbutts: An Internal Investigation • Headbutting may feel like a cat’s gentle wrestling move, but it’s all about spreading scent.
Biting Blues: Why It Happens and How to End It • Fear, frustration, or playfulness: There are many reasons your cat may bite.
WHAT IT MEANS WHEN A CAT LICKS YOU • Sometimes she wants to keep you clean. Other times she just wants attention.
TRAINING TIME • Annals of learning: Teach your felines well.
How Cats Learn • Cats are learning all the time. An anthrozoologist and a leading cat expert share what to know to make learning easier for both you and your pet.
Click With It • Clicker training can help you train your cat through sound and a handful of treats.
HAND SIGNAL KNOW-HOW • Like dogs, cats can learn to respond to visual cues—it’s just a matter of whether they want to.
Practical Commands Your Cat Can Learn...